- 20% of the Lebanese population are Syrian refugees (European Commission, 2020)
- 1.6 million Syrian refugees, the highest number of refugees per capita in the world (European Commission, 2020)
- 53% of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon are children (UNICEF, 2015)
- 183 educational complexes were damaged or destroyed by the blasts, affecting more than 77,000 children and youth (UNICEF, 2020)
- 100,000 children were directly impacted by the Beirut port explosion in Lebanon (UNICEF, 2020)
- 50% of the children affected by explosions show signs of trauma (UNICEF, 2020)



we set up in the country

projects in 2024


2 250
beneficiaries in 2023
Background information
Lebanon is a country in the Middle East, bordering Syria to the north and east, and Israel to the south. The country has suffered through 15 years of civil war and 15 years of Syrian armed occupation, as well as several wars and invasions by the Israeli army. It is still struggling through disputes and is still immersed in socio-economic and political instability.
Around 1.9 million people living in Lebanon are refugees, mainly from the Syrian and Palestinian communities, making Lebanon the country with the highest refugee rate in the world. Half of the refugees in the country are children who are not in school, exposed to all kinds of abuse (corporal punishment, early marriage and pregnancy, psychological violence, forced labour, etc.). They are marginalised, and face higher risks of radicalisation. 65% of PRL (Palestinian refugees from Lebanon) and 90% of PRS (Palestinian refugees from Syria) live in poverty.
On 4 August 2020, two explosions occurred in the seaport of Beirut, killing over 180 people and injuring more than 6,000. The explosion destroyed several major hospitals, some 20 clinics and more than 120 schools. With services already stretched to the limit, compounded by the spread of Covid-19, there is now even more need for humanitarian aid in Lebanon.
Intervention objectives
Currently, Asmae provides financial and skilled support to our partners in 3 projects in Lebanon. We have multiple objectives in the fields of prevention and care for at-risk children, support through adolescence and the care of children with disabilities:
- Help create and maintain a safe environment, reduce danger factors, and help reconstruct affected children’s identities;
- Enable all children, without any discrimination, to live in a protective environment and participate in the evolution of Lebanese society, encouraging youth involvement;
- Support the development of professional networks and child protection policies;
- Improve socio-professional support and access by girls and boys to inclusive, quality early childhood services in order to improve their overall development.

Cap Jeunesse – Youth for change
Project start date: January 2021
Project duration: 3 years
Beneficiaries: Young people, 60% of whom are girls, and the communities living in the camps

Yalla for Work and Protection
Project start date: January 2022
Project duration: 3 years
Location: Beirut and Bourj Hammoud
Beneficiaries: Children and young people affected by the 4th August 2020 explosions, as well as their families

Inclusive Early Childhood Support
Project start date: 2022
Project duration: 3 years