- 24% of girls and 22% of boys drop out of primary school (UNICEF, 2019)
- 39% of children are forced to work (UNICEF, 2012)
- 72% of children with disabilities are not in the education system (UNICEF, 2016)
- 46% of girls and 48% of boys drop out of secondary school (UNICEF, 2019)



we set up in the country

projects in 2023


41 800
beneficiaries in 2023
Background information
Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world and has some of the least optimistic social indicators in Africa. Nearly 40% of Burkina Faso’s population lives below the poverty line according to the World Bank, and the majority still suffer from a lack of sufficient quantity and quality of food, water, basic health care and access to education.
56% of Burkina Faso’s population is under 18, according to UNICEF. This rapid population growth hampers the impact of initiatives (especially in the education and health sectors) to reduce poverty and promote human development.
In Burkina Faso, only 6.2% of children benefit from pre-school education, while the African average is 17%. In the country, pre-schools for children face several challenges, including the need to formalise and align pedagogical practices and methods, especially concerning language and reading activities. In addition, pre-school education centres are mainly concentrated in urban areas.
The inclusion of children with disabilities remains a very marginal concern despite the great need. In Burkina Faso, 72% of children with disabilities are not in the education system. Furthermore, only 20% of children with eye conditions are screened. If not diagnosed in time, a great majority of these conditions can develop into disabling visual diseases.
Intervention objectives
Currently, Asmae provides financial and skilled support to our partners in 4 projects in Ouagadougou. We have multiple objectives in the areas of early childhood protection and education, as well as support through adolescence:
- Offer children a stable environment in order to create the necessary conditions for their development, learning and socialisation. Asmae supports its partners to facilitate access to essential learning for children;
- Care for young children with visual impairments through support for the child and their family;
- Fight for change in the way disability is viewed through awareness raising and carrying out advocacy actions in local communities;
- Create a school and out-of-school environment at post-primary and secondary level that is conducive to quality learning, development and protection of adolescent girls and boys.

Cap Jeunesse – Youth acting for change (Pour une jeunesse actrice du changement)
Project start date: January 2021
Project duration: 3 years
Beneficiaries: adolescent girls and boys, their families, and teachers.

Growing Up Together 2 (Grandir Ensemble phase 2)
Project start date: September 2019
Project duration: 2 years
Beneficiaries: visually impaired children aged 3 to 6

For a fulfilling early childhood
Project start date: August 2021
Project duration: 3 years
Beneficiaries: pre-school and primary school children

PEACE – Displaced People Action: Boucle du Mouhoun and The Northern Region
Project start date: January 2022
Project duration: 31 months