Mailing Address
Immeuble Le Méliès 259 – 261 Rue de Paris 93100 Montreuil
+33 1 70 32 02 50
If you would like to become a volunteer, contact benevoles@asmae.fr
If you would like to become godparents, contact service.donateurs@asmae.fr
If you would like to apply for a job at Asmae, contact recrutement@asmae.fr
If you are a business or foundation, contact veymet@asmae.fr
If you are a school, contact akafi@asmae.fr
If you have questions about bequests, donations or life insurance, contact legs@asmae.fr
If you have questions about the communications department ldanan@asmae.fr
For all other information, contact info@asmae.fr